Friday, 18 May 2012

Downside of Modern Life

As we know, our modern life is getting faster in any aspect and has been simplified to ease people. But actually, this condition contributes to poor health and chronic disease than it is to live a life of vibrant, vital health. The reasons for this are many and complex. For example:

Poor Eating Habits
The Food that are the easiest to obtain and the most plentiful are high-fat, high-sugar, calorie rich like the processed food. These foods are often nutrient poor, yet cheap and effortless to find it. It takes more time and dedication to find and prepare natural, whole foods.
What you eat has a powerful influence over whether you create a healthy blood lipid profile that includes low LDL cholesterol, high HDL cholesterol, and low triglyceride levels. Research supports that eating a primarily plant-based diet that consists of a large proportion of minimally processed (or whole) grains, vegetables, and fruit is essential to support optimal health.

Lack of Exercise and Excess Weight
Technology has made our lives so easy that it takes perseverance to find opportunities to move. This is not good. To create optimum health, the human needs to be physically active. This existed technology is actually we used to take for granted, such as walking around each day to complete our tasks or even to have fun and play is no longer an essential part of our lives. Instead, we need to plan for movement. We need to brainstorm strategies to stay active. all of this inactivity, combined with easy-to-grab calorie-rich foods has contributed to weight gain.

Exposure to Toxins
As we know now, the environment is not so clean. We are exposed to environmental toxins, including numerous carcinogens. Cigarette smoke, air pollution, and other harmful chemicals in our air, water, and food supply undermine our well-being.

Mental Stress
Technology continues to drive the pace of work and living to faster and faster speeds. The cost of living, the pressure of competition for material wealth, and the challenge of balancing family, professional and community ties all contribute to increasing daily pressures. Finding time to relax, unwind, and savor simple pleasures becomes a rare treat.

the information above is taken from the book: 101 ways to lower your cholesterol by Shirley S. Archer and David Edelberg

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