Sunday, 29 April 2012


Gynaeoid body

Curvaceous hips with a tapered, small waist are the prominent features for Gynaeoid women.  They have small to medium shoulders and the breasts vary in size.  The hips and thighs curve outwards and weight gain occurs only below the waistline. 
Gynaeoid women tend to have a predominance of the female hormone oestrogen, (oestrogen dominance) which targets the uterine region, the hips, thighs and breasts. Excessive oestrogens promote fat deposition around the lower parts of the body as well as cellulite.  If weight loss is attempted by following a very low fat low calorie diet, there is a reduction from the breasts, shoulders and arms etc., but alas not from the thighs and buttocks.

Android body

Android body types are characterised by broad shoulders, a large rib cage and strong shapely muscular limbs.  Android body types are somewhat straight up and down with a narrow pelvis and hips that do not curve outwards.  The waistline is not accentuated.
Android women have an anabolic metabolism, which leads to a body building tendency, so strength, both physical and mental, are prominent characteristics.  Many good athletes are Android shaped. Weight gain occurs in the upper part of the body and on the front of the abdomen, so that an apple-shape may develop.

Thyroid body

Thyroid body types are characterised by relatively long limbs with fine, narrow bones.  They often become dancers and models, and can be described as having a 'race-horse' or 'greyhound' appearance. 
Thyroid women consume stimulants in excess.  These include; caffeine, nicotine, diet pills etc.  A high metabolic rate allows them to eat generously with little or no weight gain.  Of all the body types, Thyroid women are least likely to develop cellulite, but if it does occur, it will be on the buttocks and backs of the thighs.

Lymphatic body

Weight gain occurs over the entire body in Lymphatic women, which gives them a 'cuddly baby doll appearance'.  Weight gain occurs very easily for Lymphatic women, as the metabolic rate is very slow, accompanied by a dysfunctional lymphatic system.  Cellulite is common in this body type with deposits of fat swollen with lymphatic fluid, giving a dimpled appearance on thick puffy limbs. 
For Lymphatic women exercise is not the favourite actitivity.  Guidance by a nutritionist is the best way forward to reduce obesity and cellulite, by replacing it with nourishment and vitality.  Excellent and long lasting results are then achievable.

So Which Body Type Are You?



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